Genmaicha Japan - Premium Loose Leaf Green Tea - Lovely Leaf Tea

Genmaicha Japan Green Tea

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Genmaicha Japan Green Tea is considered a rising trend and a delicacy in cosmopolitan centers around the world. Japanese green tea, fire-roasted rice, and popcorn fill each cup with a nutty, and unique flavor. Genmaicha became recognized as the "people's tea" because it was created by housewives in Japan to reduce the price of the tea by using the toasted brown rice as a filler.

Ingredients: Green tea, toasted rice, and popcorn.

Tasting Notes: Smooth, refreshing, nutty, vegetal

Brewing Tips: Use 1 tsp. of tea per every 6-8 oz. of boiling water (170 degrees). Steep for 1-3 minutes. Do not over brew to avoid bitterness.

Origin: Japan